Sunday 3 September 2017

CTET September 2016 Test Paper 1 - Child Development and Pedagogy Quiz (#CTET)

CTET September 2016 Test Paper 1 -
Child Development and Pedagogy Quiz

CTET September 2016 Test Paper 1 - Child Development and Pedagogy Quiz (#CTET)

Q1: Which of the following is a characteristic of a gifted learner?

He can feel under stimulated and bored if the class activities are not challenging enough.
He is highly temperamental.
He engages in ritualistic behaviour like hand flapping, rocking, etc.
He gets aggressive and frustrated.

Q2: A teacher can enhance effective learning in her elementary classroom by :

drill and practice
encouraging competition amongst her students
connecting the content to the lives of the students
offering rewards for small steps in learning

Q3: Which of the following statements about children are correct?
A. Children are passive recipients of knowledge.
B. Children are problem solvers.
C. Children are scientific investi-gators. D. Children are active explorers of the environment.

B, C and D are correct
A, B, C and D
A, B and C
A, B and D

Q4: Which of the following is the most effective method to encourage conceptual development in students?

Replace the students' incorrect ideas with correct ones by asking them to memorize.
Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning.
Use punishment till students have made the required conceptual changes.
New concepts need to be understood on their own without any reference to the old ones.

Q5: Primary schoolchildren will learn most effectively in an atmosphere:

where the teacher is authoritative and clearly dictates what should be done
where the focus and stress are only on mastering primarily cognitive skills of reading, writing and mathematics
where the teacher leads all the learning and expects students to play a passive role
where their emotional needs are met and they feel that they are valued

Q6: A child sees a crow flying past the window and says, "A bird." What does this suggest about the child's thinking?
A. The child has previously stored memories.
B. The child has developed the concept of a 'bird'.
C. The child has developed some tools of language to communicate her experience.

B and C
A, B and C
Only B
A and B

Q7: What should a teacher tell her students to encourage them to do tasks with intrinsic motivation?

"Why can't you be like him? See, he has done it perfectly."
"Complete the task fast and get a toffee."
"Try to do it, you,will learn."
"Come on, finish it before she does."

Q8: How can a teacher encourage her students to be intrinsically motivated towards learning for the sake of learning?

By giving competitive tests
By supporting them in setting individual goals and their mastery
By offering tangible rewards such as toffees
By inducing anxiety and fear

Q9: In an elementary classroom, an effective teacher should aim at the students to be motivated:

to rote memorize so that they become good at recall.
by using punitive measures so that they respect the teacher
to perform so that they get good marks in the end of the year examination
to learn so that they become curious and love learning for its own sake

Q10: Which of the following is an example of effective school practice?

Corporal punishment
Individualized learning
Competitive classroom
Constant comparative evaluation

Q11: The cephalocaudal principle of development explains how development proceeds from

differentiated to integrated functions
head to toe
rural to urban areas
general to specific functions

Q12: Which of the following is a sensitive period pertaining to language development?

Middle childhood period
Early childhood period
Prenatal period

Q13: A 6-year-old girl shows exceptional sporting ability. Both of her parents are sportspersons, send her for coaching everyday and train her on weekends. Her capabilities are most likely to, be the result of an interaction between:

growth and development
health and training
discipline and nutrition
heredity and environment

Q14: Which of the following are secondary agents of socialization?

School and neighborhood
School and immediate family members .
Family and relatives
Family and neighborhood

Q15: According to Lev Vygotsky, the primary cause of cognitive development is:

social interaction
adjustment of mental schemas
stimulus-response pairing

1: ⒜ He can feel under stimulated and bored if the class activities are not challenging enough.
2: ⒞ connecting the content to the lives of the students
3: ⒜ B, C and D are correct
4: ⒝ Give students multiple examples and encourage them to use reasoning.
5: ⒟ where their emotional needs are met and they feel that they are valued
6: ⒝ A, B and C
7: ⒞ "Try to do it, you,will learn."
8: ⒝ By supporting them in setting individual goals and their mastery
9: ⒟ to learn so that they become curious and love learning for its own sake
10: ⒝ Individualized learning
11: ⒟ general to specific functions
12: ⒜ Middle childhood period
13: ⒟ heredity and environment
14: ⒜ School and neighborhood
15: ⒜ social interaction

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