Saturday 19 August 2017

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science - C++ Practical Binary File Processing Snippet-10 Copy Records (#cbseNotes)

C++ Practical
Binary File Processing Snippet-10
Copy Records 

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science - C++ Practical Binary File Processing Snippet-10 Copy Records  (#cbseNotes)

Question: Given a binary file TELEPHON.DAT, containing records of the following class Directory

class Directory
    char name[20];
    char address[30];
    char areacode[5];
    char phonenum[15];
      void register();
      void show();
      int checkcode(char AC[])
      { return strcmp(areadcpde, AC); }

 Write a function COPYABC() in C++ that would copy all the records have areacode as "123" from TELEPHON.DAT to TELEBACK.DAT


Friday 18 August 2017

CBSE Class 11 - Biology - Role of Micro and Macro Nutrients in Plants (#cbseNotes)

Role of Micro and Macro Nutrients in Plants

CBSE Class 11 - Biology - Role of Micro and Macro Nutrients in Plants (#cbseNotes)

Like other organisms, plants also require some elements for their growth. These elements are called nutrients. There are six macro nutrients and seven micro nutrients. Apart from this, water and air provides Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen.

Nutrient Absorbed as Role
Nitrogen NO₂⁻,NO₃⁻ and NH₄⁺ Required by all metabolically active cells and meristematic tissues.
Phosphorus H₂PO₄⁻ or HPO₄²⁻ Constitutes cell membranes, protenins, all nucleic acids and nucleotides, Required for ATP formpation.
Potassium K⁺ Required in abundance by meristematic tissues, buds, leaves, root tips etc. Maintains anion-cation balance in cells.Involved in opening and closing of stomata and maintains turgidity of cells.
Calcium Ca²⁺ Meristematic and differentiating tissues. Formation of mitotic spindle, activates enzymes, Synthesis of middle lamella (Capectate) of cell wall during cell division

Thursday 17 August 2017

CBSE Class 12 - Economics - Solved Question Paper - Delhi Region (2016-17) (#cbsePapers)

CBSE Class 12 - Economics  - Solved Question Paper - Delhi Region (2016-17)  (#cbsePapers)

CBSE Class 12 - Economics  - Solved Question Paper - Delhi Region (2016-17) 

☛See Economics Question Paper (2016-17) Delhi Region

CBSE Class 6 - Our Pasts 1 - KINGDOMS, KINGS AND AN EARLY REPUBLIC (Q and A) (#cbseNotes)


Ashwamedha Yagna - A 19th century Painting depicting Pandavas performing this horse sacrifice ritual.
(credits: wikipedia)

Q1: What is meant by Janpada?

Answer: Janapada means the land where the jana set its foot and settled down.

Q2: What was Ashwamedha yagna?

Answer: Ashwamedha yagna was a horse sacrifice ritual performed by the kings to prove their sovereignty. A horse was let loose to wander freely and was guarded by the king's men. If other kings stopped it, they had to fight with the king. Otherwise they accepted the king as their leader and let the horse pass.

Q3: What are Varnas?

Answer: The priests divided the people of the society into four groups, called varnas and according to them; each varna had a different set of functions.

The four varnas were the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

CBSE Class 12 - Economics - Question Paper (2016-17) (#cbsePapers)

CBSE Class 12 - Economics  - Question Paper (2016-17)  (#cbsePapers)

CBSE Class 12 - Economics  - Question Paper (2016-17) 

See Class 12 - Economics Question Paper Answers and Marking Scheme - Delhi Region (2016-17)

CBSE Class 10 - Hindi (B) - मीरा के पद (भावार्थ और प्रश्नोत्तरी) (#cbseNotes)

मीरा के पद 

CBSE Class 10 - Hindi (B) - मीरा के पद (भावार्थ और प्रश्नोत्तरी) (#cbseNotes)


हरि आप हरो जन री भीर।
द्रोपदी री लाज राखी, आप बढायो चीर।
भगत कारण रूप नरहरि , धरयो आप सरीर।
बूढतो गजराज राख्यो , काटी कुण्जर पीर।
दासी मीराँ लाल गिरधर , हरो म्हारी भीर।

भावार्थ – इस पद में मीराबाई अपने प्रिय भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से विनती करते हुए कहतीं हैं कि हे प्रभु अब आप ही अपने भक्तों की पीड़ा हरें। जिस तरह आपने अपमानित द्रोपदी की लाज उसे चीर प्रदान करके बचाई थी जब दु:शासन ने उसे निर्वस्त्र करने का प्रयास किया था। अपने प्रिय भक्त प्रह्लाद को बचाने के लिए नरसिंह रूप धारण किया था। आपने ही डुबते हुए हाथी की रक्षा की थी और उसे मगरमच्छ के मुँह से बचाया था। इस प्रकार आपने उस हाथी की पीड़ा दूर की थी। इन उदाहरणों को देकर दासी मीरा कहतीं हैं की हे गिरिधर लाल! आप मेरी पीडा भी दूर कर मुझे छुटकारा दीजिये।

Learn English Vocabulary From News Papers - August 16 2017 (Day 11)

Learn English Vocabulary From News Papers - August 16 2017 (Day 11)

Learn English Vocabulary From News Papers - August 16 2017 (Day 11)

The Indian Express 

To elevate

Trump, Modi agree to elevate strategic talks,...

meaning: To raise or lift something, to improve something (ऊपर उठाना, बौद्धिक व नैतिक स्तर पर उठाना)

1. This diet will elevate your blood sugar level.
2. He is elevated to Joint Secretary level.