Friday 23 June 2017

CBSE Class 11 / NEET/ PMT - Biology - Ch 7 - Animal Tissues - Part 1 (Very Short Question and Answers) (#cbseNotes)

Animal Tissues (Part-1)

Very Short Q & A 

CBSE Class 11 / NEET/ PMT - Biology - Ch 7 - Animal Tissues - Part 1 (Very Short Question and Answers) (#cbseNotes)

Q1: Define tissue?

Answer: A group of cells similar in structure, function and origin.

Q2: Can cells in a tissue be dissimilar in structure or function?

Answer: Yes the tissue cells can be dissimilar in structure and function but they are always similar in origin.

Q3: Who coined the word 'animal tissue'?

Answer: Bichat

๐Ÿ˜‡ Note:
Marie Franรงois Xavier Bichat, a french anatomist. He is also known as father of histology. Unfortunately he died very young at the age of 30.

Q4: In how many types complex animal tissues are divided into?

Answer: Four Types.
Muscular and

Q5: What is study of tissue called?

Answer: Histology (also called Microscopic anatomy).

Q6: Who is called father of microscopic anatomy?

Answer: Marcello Malpighi

Q7: What is the origin of epithelial tissue?

Answer: Ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

Q8: What do words 'Epi' and 'Thelio' mean in epithelium? 

Answer: Epi – Upon  and Thelio – grows
A tissue which grows upon another tissue is called Epithelium.

Q9: Are epithelial tissues vascularized?

Answer: No

๐Ÿ˜‡ Vacularized meaning:
Provide (a tissue or structure) with vessels, especially blood vessels. Thus epithelial  cells depend for their nutrients on underlying connective tissue.

Q10: Name the three important functions of epithelial tissues?

Answer: Protection, secretion, absorption

Q11: Name the intercellular junctions present in epithelial cells.

Answer: Mainly seven types,
Tight junctions (Zonula occludens)
Intercellular Bridge
Gap Junctions
Intermediate Junctions

Q12: Give three examples of specialised functional structures of epithelial tissues.


Q14: Based on number of layers of cells, name the two major groups epithelial tissues are divided into?

Simple epithelia - based on cell shape
Compound epithelia - based on stretching ability

Q15: Name the types of simple epithelium tissues?

Answer: Simple epithelium is further divided into five types. These are
(i) Squamous,
(ii) Cuboidal,
(iii) Columnar
(iv) Ciliated
(v) Pseudostratified

Q16: Which epithelium is also called pavement epithelium?

Answer: Simple squamous

Q17: Are simple squamous epithelium unilayered or multilayered?

Answer: Unilayered

Q18: Which type of epithelia are found in the following?

Secretory unit of salivary glands, sebaceous gland
Bowman's capsule
Pancreatic duct
Inner lining of cheeks
Bile Duct
Alveoli of lungs
Stomach Fallopian Tube
Urinary Bladder
Inner lining of blood vessels and lymph vessels
Epidermis of skin


Secretory unit of salivary glands, sebaceous gland - Stratified cubical
Bowman's capsule - Simple squamous
Pancreatic duct - Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Inner lining of cheeks - Stratified squamous
Bile Duct - Simple Columnar epithelium
Nails - Startified Squamous
Alveoli of lungs - Simple squamous
Stomach - Gladndular columnar epithelium
Urinary Bladder - Transitional epithelium
Inner lining of blood vessels and lymph vessels - Simple squamous
Epidermis of skin - Startified Squamous

Q19: Where do we find Ciliated Columnar epithelium?

Answer: Fallopian Tube

Q20: What are the main functions of compound epithelia?

Answer: Protection against chemical and mechanical stresses. (limited role in secretion and absorption)

Q21: What do gap junctions perform?

Answer: Gap junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big molecules.

Q22: Single layer of tall, narrow cells; vertically oriented; ciliated in some organs; may possess goblet cells; present in Inner lining of stomach, intestines, gallbladder; main functions are Absorption and secretion. Identify the epithelial tissue?

Answer: Simple Columnar Epithelium

Q23: Name the two kinds of stratified squamous epithelia?

Answer: keratinized and nonkera-tinized

Q24: Name the epithelia present in the lining of respiratory tract which help moving mucus from the lungs toward the throat.

Answer: Ciliated epithelium

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