Tuesday 12 September 2017

CBSE Class 9 - Physics - Gravitation (Worksheet) (#cbseNotes)

Physics - Gravitation (Worksheet)

CBSE Class 9 - Physics - Gravitation (Worksheet) (#cbseNotes)

Fill in the blanks:

1. Motion of body with constant speed in a circular path is called ______________.

2. The acceleration which causes changes only in direction of the velocity of a body is called __________ and it is always directed ___________ the circle.

3. Every object in the universe ________ other bodies.

4. A body is said to be in _______ when only gravity acts on it.

5. ________ of an object is the force of gravity acting on it.

6. During free fall condition, the body is in state of __________.

7. The SI unit of mass is ______.

8. The SI unit of weight is _______.

9. All other variables remaining constant, the force of gravitation is ________ proportional to the square of distance between the two objects.

10. Assuming negligible air drag, if a steel ball and a table tennis ball are dropped from a height of 100 metres, both will reach the ground at ________ time(s). (same/different)

11. It is the ____________ of the earth, which holds our atmosphere in place.

12. The average acceleration of free fall on the surface of earth is ______ .

13. The gravitational force between the earth and the object is generally called ____________.

14. The force of gravity _________ with altitude. It also varies on the surface of the earth, _________ from poles to the equator.

15. Universal gravitational constant G = _____________.

1. uniform circular motion
2. centripetal acceleration, towards the center of
3. attracts
4. free fall
5. Weight
6. 'weightlessness'
7. kilogram (kg)
8. Newton (N)
9. inversely
10. same
11. gravitational pull
12. 9.8 ms⁻²
13. force of gravity
14. decreases, decreasing
15. 6.673 × 10⁻ⁱⁱ Nm² kg⁻²

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