Friday 6 April 2018

CBSE Class 10 - History - The Making of A Global World (Short Questions and Answers) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


CBSE CLASS 10 - HISTORY - THE MAKING OF A GLOBAL WORLD (Very Short Q A) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: What was the importance of the Indian trade for the British?

Answer: Indian trade was important for the British for the following reasons:

• Trade Surplus –
Britain had a Trade Surplus with Indian. Britain used this Surplus to balance its trade deficit with other countries.

• Home Charges – 
Britain’s trade Surplus in India also helped to pay the so-called home charges that included private remittance by British officials and traders, interest payments on India’s external debt and pensions of British officials in India.

• Major Supplier of cotton – 
India remained a major supplier of raw cotton to British which was required to feed the cotton textile industry in Britain.

• Supplier if indentured workers – 
Many indentured workers from Bihar, U.P., central India migrated to other countries to work in mines and plantations.

Q2: How did Bretton Woods System Work?

The international monetary system is the system linking national currencies and monetary system.

The Briton woods system was based on fixed exchange rates. In this system, the national currencies were pegged to the dollar at a fixed exchange rate.

The Bretton woods system inaugurated an era of unprecedented growth of trade and incomes of the western industrial nations.

Q3: What were the effects of the British Government’s decision to abolish the Corn Laws?

Food could be imported into Britain more cheaply than it would be produced within the country.

British agriculture was unable to compete with imports. Vast Areas of land were left uncultivated and people started migrating to cities or other countries.

As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose. Faster industrial growth in Britain also led to higher incomes and therefore more food imports.

Around the world in Eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia land were cleared and food production expanded to meet the British demand.

Q4: What were the advantages of the invention of a refrigerated ship?

This reduced the shipping costs and lowered meat prices in Europe.
The poor in Europe could now consume a more varied diet.
To the earlier, monotony of Bread and Potatoes many, not all could add meat, butter or egg.
Better living conditions promoted social peace within the country and support for imperialism abroad.

Q5: What were the methods used by the European Employers in Africa to recruit and retain Labour?

Heavy taxes were imposed which could be paid only by working for wages on plantations and mines.

Inheritance laws were changed so that peasants were displaced from the land: only one member of a family was allowed to inherit land, as a result of which the others were pushed into the labour market.

Mineworkers were also confined to compounds and not allowed to move about freely.

Q6: What was the role of Indian entrepreneurs abroad?

Many groups of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia

They had a sophisticated system to transfer money over large distances.

Indian traders and moneylenders also followed European colonizers into Africa.

Hyderabadi Sindhi traders, however, ventured beyond European colonies

☛See also
Chapter 4 - The Making of a Global World (Important Terms To Remember)
Chapter 4 - The Making of a Global World (Very Short QA)

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